One day about a decade ago my grandfather handed me a short article clipped from a newspaper. It mentioned high quality investments to consider and one was ticker “O”.
Tag: Dividends
Ever wonder what an ideal dividend portfolio would look like that can grow through all market conditions? I use a particular portfolio allocation . . .
In this article we share our top 10-20 holdings of our dividend investing income portfolio that produces approximately $25k a year in dividend income. We also share 7 advantages of investing this way via a new embedded YouTube video. Finally, we’ve updated this post to include a live view to the dividend portfolio in Google Sheets, and a TradingView watchlist.
Welcome to our first installment of “MIM” – Millionaire in the Making. Here we provide highlights and top 3 tips from middle class folks who are on their way to building a million dollar net worth. The names are changed to protect identities online.
Consider these REITS as an alternative to investing in physical real estate.
Consider these REITS as an alternative to investing in physical real estate.