Don’t let CNBC scare you! They are trying to sell eyeballs and will say whatever they can to get you to click on their scary headlines. There are 2 ways I ended the day with some positive trades:
Category: Free Content
Free Content, HotTrades
BEST OF (MV CLASSICS), Education, Family, Free Content
For years I had dreamed of writing and analyzing ways to better manage resources and invest. Launching The Money Vikings is our outlet for such exploration and research. The new Millionaire book discusses several “requirements for those who seek financial success” which include. . .
Apps, BEST OF (MV CLASSICS), Credit Cards, Free Content, Investing, Technology
CashApp allows stock trading on their platform. We wanted to take both of them for a test drive to see which is better.
Elon Musk !! Every wonder what happens if you combine fractional share stock investing with starbucks coffee and cash app boosts? Well read on to find out…
Free Content, HotTrades, Options
Learn about Covered Calls with Ford Motors
Art, BEST OF (MV CLASSICS), Family, Free Content, Home, Psychology, Real Estate
Using the Marie Kondo Konmari Method for Decluttering Your Finances.