Anyone who has been investing over the last few years can tell you it is a strange time. Pandemics, lockdowns, constant doom and gloom in social media, meme stocks, all very strange! I believe it has a lot to do with the way we mass communicate, the pandemic era, and other structural changes going on … Read More “New Rules for Money in 2024” »
Category: Dividends
Fear is our friend when investing! But before I explain why fear is our friend right now as logical and well balanced investors, let me first describe an investing environment: Imagine a time when many people had extra cash laying around and access to online investing tools. Money was being thrown at all the new … Read More “Fear is Our Friend Investing” »
One day about a decade ago my grandfather handed me a short article clipped from a newspaper. It mentioned high quality investments to consider and one was ticker “O”.
Ever wonder what an ideal dividend portfolio would look like that can grow through all market conditions? I use a particular portfolio allocation . . .
In this article we share our top 10-20 holdings of our dividendĀ investingĀ income portfolio that produces approximately $25k a year in dividend income. We also share 7 advantages of investing this way via a new embedded YouTube video. Finally, we’ve updated this post to include a live view to the dividend portfolio in Google Sheets, and a TradingView watchlist.
What I’m Doing With Finances & Investing In 2023 I am strategizing and planning my investment actions and philosophy for 2023. In this article I will lay out the following: Brief assessment of 2022 damage Predictions & opportunities for 2023 specific actions I will take to grow wealth 2022 Sh%!t Show First lets take a … Read More “What I’m Doing With Finances & Investing In 2023” »