Tag: options
Entered a high probability trade against Oil using the USO ETF as my vehicle for shorting. Sell a April 14th, 105 call and purchase a April 14th 110 call for a $54 credit. It has a 76% chance of making 22$, with a max loss of $446. 3/9/22 Update – Yes, I think it was … Read More “Is it Time to Short Oil?” »
CLOSED – On Friday 2/25/22, the SMH Iron Condor trade hit 21 days until expiration (DTE) so I closed it, slightly below my profit target, as I opted for following the mechanics over attempting to squeeze out a few extra pennies.
Closing this GLD Iron Condor for a profit. Just 2% shy of my 50% profit target, we closed for a $52 debit, or a $48 profit per contract. 12% ROI in 17 days.